
互联网 2016-10-09






  提前半个小时或以上到达考场是一个比较合理的时间安排。到达考场后先进等候室,把你的证件和确认信给监考老师看,然后监考老师给你 一份协议书和一把储物箱的钥匙,要用黑色签字笔填写协议书,自己没带可以找监考人员要。协议内容仍然是Confidentiality Agreement与个人信息,这一点与旧GRE考试的AW作文部分的机考完全类似。填完协议书锁好自己的物品之后就可以排队进考场了,此时你的手上拿着 两个东西,一个是协议书,另外一个是身份证(确认信自己放包里面,不带进考场)。



  进入考场之后,面前的计算机界面不是ETS官方模考软件的第一个界面,而是有个人信息的check界面,还需要输入开始密码什么的,但是这些部 分监考老师都会协助你完成,所以无需担心。开始进入考试界面之后,与官方模考软件的界面基本类似,直接各种continue就行了。需要注意的一点是,在 正式开始之前会有一个送分学校的选择过程,同旧GRE的作文机考一致,需要事先记好你申请的专业院系和学校名称以及学校位于美国的哪个州。

  选好送分学校之后进入正式答题的界面仍然与模考软件大致相同。首先第一个section一定是Analytical Writing部分,先是issue然后是argument,各30分钟。


  Below is the actual time given for each section. Based on your experience taking practice tests and working on your speed you can adjust accordingly to answer the question: How long is the GRE for me?

  Testing center check-in: 5-20 minutes

  At a bare minimum you have to sign in, the staff has to take your finger/palm print, and you have to figure out the locker experience. The minimum time for you to actually sit down at the computer screen is five minutes.

  You can also have the unenviable experience of getting stuck behind a line of people, which typically has to do with the testing center's lack of efficiency. In these extreme cases you may have to wait as long as twenty minutes to actually sit down at the computer.

  Filling in information: 5-15 minutes

  If you are taking the GRE for the first time, you will have to enter in quite a lot of personal information (don't worry – this doesn't figure into your score!). This process may take as long as fifteen minutes.

  How long is the writing section? 1 hour

  Again, if you are a fast writer you may take a little less time. However, I'm guessing 99% of test takers will use the maximum time allotted for the essays. Of course you can always find ways to cut down on your essay writing time.

  How long are the verbal sections? 1 hour

  Each section is 30 minutes. The verbal sections do not follow back to back, unless the experimental section is a verbal section. I am just lumping the two verbal sections together to indicate the total time. Many students struggle with pacing on Reading comprehension.

  How long are the math sections? 70 minutes

  Same as applies to verbal section, save for the fact that each section is 35 minutes. Of course, you'll be happy here to have those precious extra 5 minutes. Here's some tips on saving time with GRE math.

  Experimental section: 30 or 35 minutes

  You may have noticed that each math section is five minutes longer than the verbal section. So if you end up getting a math section for an experimental section, expect to spend another five minutes in the testing center.

  Timed break: 10 minutes

  You do not need to take this break, but for a better test score—and your sanity—I highly recommend you do.

  Score accept screen: 5 minutes

  You have five minutes to determine whether you want to accept or reject your score. While you might be feeling the pressure here, at least you're done! Breathe!


  Checking in time: 10-25 minutes

  Actually taking the GRE time: 4 hours

  其中,在每个section之间都有1分钟的休息时间,在第3、4个section之间有10分钟的休息时间,是否选择休息由考生个人决定。在 第三个 section做完之后,会出现一个选择界面,如果你想休息10分钟,那就点击选择休息,然后监考人员会过来领你出考场休息。

        总是有考生疑惑这 10分钟休息到底做什么,建议如下:


  2.其次,休息的这10分钟,你虽然出了考场,但是要问清楚监考老师哪些事情可以做,哪些事情不可以做。一般考生可能会做的是拿钥匙打开储物箱 拿点吃的东西补充一下能量,以及去洗手间,这两种行为基本无可厚非的。除此之外的事情,你需要和监考老师打招呼得到其认可才能去做。


更多: GRE备考策略

