
啄木鸟教育 2016-12-15




   1. customary a. 习惯的 , 惯例的 词频:1 ['kʌstəməri]

  近义词:usual / used / common / accustomed

  权威例句:She cited unnamed law enforcement sources, a practice that is customary in investigative journalism.(FORBES: Protecting The First Amendment)

  2. cellular a. 细胞的 , 多孔的 词频:1 ['seljulə]

  近义词:vuggy / polyporous;unit / mobilephone

  权威例句:And it has been slow to replace analog cellular phones with more popular digital models.(FORBES: Analytic myopia)

  3. illiberal a. 狭隘的 , 偏执的 , 吝啬的 , 粗俗的 词频:1 [i'libərəl]

  近义词:tight / stingy

  权威例句:Ann Widdecombe gets a chance to be more illiberal than Jack Straw as his home-office shadow.(ECONOMIST: Man overboard)

  4. subordinate a. 下级的 , 次要的 n. 下级 , 附属 词频:1 [sə'bɔ:dinit]

  近义词:inferior / underling;dependent / secondary / supporting / minor / peripheral

  权威例句:If Mr Redstone is not the ideal boss, neither is Mr Karmazin the perfect subordinate.(ECONOMIST: Two sharks in a fishbowl)

  5. tenuous a. 纤细的 , 稀薄的 , 空洞的 词频:1 ['tenjuəs]

  近义词:poor / rare / thin / subtle

  权威例句:So how to strike the tenuous balance between keeping employees happy and paying them a reasonable rate?(FORBES: Create Loyalty By Sharing The Wealth)

  6. prominent a. 显著的 , 突出的 词频:1 ['prɔminənt]

  近义词:obvious / excellent / remarkable / brilliant / marked

  权威例句:To avoid mishaps, Daphne Muller, a recent UNC grad working at a prominent New...(NEWSWEEK: Culture)

  7. nostalgic a. 乡愁的 , 怀旧的 词频:1 [nɔ'stældӡikˌnə-]

  近义词:reminiscent / retrospective

  权威例句:But frequently, these kinds of trials only spark nostalgic civil rights demagoguery and sloganeering.(NPR: 'Mississippi Burning,' 41 Years Too Late)

  8. interdependent a. 相互依赖的 , 互助的 词频:1 [ˌintədi'pendənt]


  权威例句:We live in a world that has rapidly gone from connected to interconnected to interdependent.(FORBES: @Davos: “How can we make capitalism more moral?”)

  9. elaborate a. 详尽的 , 精细的 , 复杂的 v. 详细阐述 词频:1 [i'læbərət]

  近义词:detailed / full;tailor-make;thicken

  权威例句:Can you elaborate more on what role the U.S. sees Iran has been playing?(WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing)

  10. responsive a. 响应的 , 易感应的 , 敏感的 词频:1 [ri'spɔnsiv]


  权威例句:As for the motion control that was there, the experience was fairly responsive, though not particularly speedy.(ENGADGET: blogger-avatar)

  11. wicked a. 邪恶的 , 恶劣的 , 缺德的 词频:1 ['wikid]

  近义词:evil / ill / black / gross / ugly

  权威例句:They keep flocking to the wicked warlock and his evil bag of iTreats.(FORBES: How to Sell a Windows PC)

  12. tacit a. 心照不宣的 , 隐含的 , 缄默的 词频:1 ['tæsit]

  近义词:reserved / self-evident

  权威例句:That's been a kind of understanding, a tacit agreement between these countries since the late 1940s.(NPR: World Bank Changes, Understanding Unemployment)

  13. euphoric a. 欣快的 , 心满意足的 词频:1 [ju:'fɔrik]

  权威例句:There's already been a euphoric take up of the Nintendo DS handheld videogame device. (FORBES: Iwata Touts Nintendo DS Lite As Portable TV)

  14. nascent a. 新生的 , 不成熟的 词频:1 ['næsnt]

  近义词:earlier / young

  权威例句:Of course oil prices could always slump, puncturing the nascent domestic oil and gas boom. (FORBES: Focus)

  15. providential a. 幸运的 , 神助的 词频:1 [ˌprɔvi'denʃəl]

  近义词:lucky / fortunate

  权威例句:Revenues fell by 90 percent and Providential shrank from 110 employees to five.(FORBES: Question: How Many Obstacles Must You Overcome To Succeed? Answer: ALL Of Them!)

  16. vociferous a. 喧哗的 , 大叫大嚷的 词频:1 [vəu'sifərəs]

  近义词:rowdydowdy / brawly

  权威例句:Portrayed as idyllic in tourist brochures, they in fact harbor a vociferous independence movement.(CNN: HE BRITISH FORCES LANDED)

  17. blatant a. 喧嚣的 , 吵闹的 , 明目张胆的 词频:1 ['bleitənt]

  近义词:declared / ambitious

  权威例句:Don't expect a smoking pen in the form of a blatant quid pro quo.(FORBES: Magazine Article)

  18. tumultuous a. 喧嚣的 , 激烈的 词频:1 [tju:'mʌltʃuəs]

  近义词:angry / turbulent

  权威例句:The company has a history of tumultuous labor relations, alleged low pay and sub-par job standards.(FORBES: Sodexo's Twisted 401(k))

  19. melodious a. 旋律优美的 , 悦耳的 词频:1 [mi'ləudiəs]

  近义词:harmonious / musical / sweet

  权威例句:Old recordings of his melodious symphonies were dusted off and new ones made.(ECONOMIST: George Lloyd)

  20. scholarly a. 学术性的 , 学究气的 词频:1 ['skɔləli]

  近义词:learned / knowing / wise

  权威例句:Whether this had anything to do with his scholarly activity I was unable to determine.(NEWYORKER: So It Is in Life)





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