
互联网 2016-11-09




  1. One baffling aspect of the novel is its capacity to generate emotional power from a plot that lacks the most elementary _____: readers must accept not an occasional coincidence, but a continuous stream of them.

  A. synergy B. continuity C. naivety

  D. premise E. credibility


  2. Given children’s active fantasy lives, one might think of truthfulness as (i)_____ virtue in young children, but it turns out that lying is the more (ii)_____ skill. A child who is going to lie must recognize the truth, intellectually conceive of an alternate reality, and be able to convincingly sell that new reality to someone else. Therefore, lying (iii)_____ cognitive development and social skills in a way that honesty simply does not.

  A. an instinctiveD. advancedG. undermines

  B. an acquiredE. practicalH. forgoes

  C. a consciousF. mundaneI. demands

  解析:句首为given,所以其引导的状语与一空所在句子为因果关系,方向取同。状语里孩子的特征是fantasy幻想,虚幻,而空一所在句子里特征词是truthfulness真实,显然两个特征取反。也就是说truthfulness不是孩子天生的特征,排除A,选B acquired后天习得的。空二前有more,所以空二和空一取同(参见方法论比较级/also强于句间关系),选D advanced高级的。(先天就是直觉,后天习得就是高级,这个模式要记下来)。三空表示说谎lying和后天能力cognitive development and social skills之间的关系,基于一二两空,答案选正向的词,I. demands需要。


  3. After rising continuously over the summer, commodity prices fell, leaving analyst wondering whether the downward trend is a turning point or merely a _____ before demand picks up in the winter months.

  A. spike B. upsurge C. harbinger

  D. portent E. lull F. respite


  4.The town’s air was consistently ______: depending on the breeze, one might be greeted with the sour effluvia of twenty breweries, choking fumes from the coal factory, or brackish smells from the nearby river.

  A.malodorous B.toxic C.redolent

  D.benign E.noisome F. anodyne


  5. Carmen’s affection for her sister, though not _____, was plainly too great to permit a painless departure.

  A. unsteady B. ambivalent C. careless

  D. unbounded E. noticeable


  6. Since it was committed to the idea of science as an international, politically neutral enterprise, the Royal Society of London refused to _____ members from enemy nations during world wars of the twentieth century.

  A. betray B. expel C. endorse

  D. oust E. sanction F. condemn



  总的来说六选二遇到好多生词,如saga详尽的描述, cerebel(纯陪跑选项,但不知道意思会被迷惑)。

  1. 生态学有一些比较好的特性,并且在和其他学科的互动中找到了自己的niche,所以它是一个____的学科。


  2. 某个学科是如此依赖模糊的record以致于科学家引入很多imaginative speculation in which ____ evidence

  A. replace with B. substitute for C. untethered from

  D. divorce from E. 推翻 by F. 推翻 by

  佛脚词:untether 英 v. to free from or as if from a tether 中 释放,脱离= divorce

  注意:substitute A for B = replace B with A 用A 取代B,这两个词组里AB的位置是相反的

  3. 保守派总是诟病激进派____,但是实际上相比于激进派,保守派更加____。


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