
互联网 2018-12-19














  The reading passage gives reasons for low fertility rate of rhinos in the zoo the lecture provides solutions to this issue.

  First, even though the reading passage suggests that the low reproduction rate of rhinos is due to their diet structure which contains hay and alfalfa, the professor argues in the lecture that we can change the current diet habit. when the intake of hay and alfalfa is reduced, there is less hormone and the fertility ability would become better.

  Moreover, despite the statement in the reading that long time walking on the hard soil may result in foot disease for rhinos, the professor contends that advanced equipment can be used to detect such disease as early as possible, So these illness can receive timely treatment and be stopped.

  Finally, the passage assertsthat unsatisfying fertility rate is because of rhinos' brain disorder. The professor proves that this problem can be solveby controlling the age of

  rhinos. Usually those female rhinos would secrete harmful chemicals when they get older,so if the age for reproduction is under control,this problem would be solved immediately.


  Some teachers prefer to record the lecture in advance so that students can familuarize first.And students will practise what they have learned from the lecture in the class. Do you think it is an effective wayto learn?





  Nowadays how to enhance university education has aroused discussion among both students and teachers. It is suggested by some professors that recording lectures before classes can improve effectiveness since students can be much familiar with the lecture

  in advance and teachers therefore can focus on practice on class In my opinion, this practice actually does not have desirable effects for no matter students or teachers.

  It is true that a great deal of class time can be saved if lectures are watched previously by students. In university classes, students often gather in a huge hall or classroom which is often in a noisy and smelly environment. This condition may distract students from lectures delivered by professors and thus result in a low academic performance. Therefore, if each student can preview the lecture before it is given by teachers, they can avoid distraction on class and apply themselves to the preview study. Thus, class time is saved because teachers do not need to explain everything in detail but to focus on the difficult onesHowever as far as i am concerned if class proceeds in this way, the whole class would be in chaos and much more energy is needed for teachers to prepare the recording class.

  For students, they cannot havean organized lecture if the class is only for discussion and practice. although students can familiarize the lecture in advance, they may have different understandings on the lecture. Without teachers' explanation they may have

  confusion and misunderstanding, Which cannot guarantee a satisfying result of self-study. Besides, since students' probloms are not always the same it demands teachers to explain each academic point in class this also means that the whole class is unpredictable and teachers cannot organize the class previously or maybe they would give the same lecture as the recording if most of students cannot understand the lecture depending on themselves Another drawback is that teachers must allocate more time and energy to prepare the recorded lecture, which is a waste of resources. As all know it is time consuming to produce a recorded lecture because it involves many modern techniques. Meanwhile many aged and prestige professors are not that skillful in recording, powerpoint and may feel unconfident about their appearance Thus, if this practice becomes a routine, they have no way but to spend more time and energy on coping with this non-academic issues. In fact, university teachers can use this period of time to improve their academic leveland achieve higher academic achievement.

  In conclusion, although previewing the recorded lecture and then discussing and practicing on class seems efficient, I believe we need to stick to the tradition alway of teaching and learning at the moment.

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