
啄木鸟教育 2018-09-10


  Task 1

  内容回忆:Your friend wants to learn how to cook. What suggestion would you like to give to this friend and why?

  参考答案:Personally, I believe learning from online courses is the best way for him to learn how to cook. Since the online courses offer a host of cuisines for him to choose, so that he can pick the kind of cuisine that interests him the most, then I believe, with passion for the cuisine, he can learn more quickly. After all, interest is the best teacher. Besides, learning from online courses means he will not be confined to a fixed timetable, because, basically, online courses allows for playback, in this way, he can flexibly fit the course into his possibly already fully-packed schedule. More importantly, with the playback mode, he will be able to re-watch the part baffling him and follow the steps of the course again and again. Practice makes perfect is always the golden rule.

  Task 2

  内容回忆:When traveling outside, some people prefer to keep connections with their family members and friends; other people do not prefer to do so? Which way do you prefer and why?

  参考答案:I will definitely choose to keep in touch with my family and my friends. Since for one thing it allows to let off steam after a whole day’s traveling to have a little chat with my family and my friends. Just imagine, coming back to hotel from a taxing day, lying in the soft bed, with soothing music on, and chatting over a cup of tea with one of your close friends, what a joy! I can share something unique I’ve seen or explored with them, or inform them of the next day’s plan, they may even give me some advice.

  Task 3

  阅读:要在学校图书馆放跑步机桌library treadmill ,觉得能够锻炼的同时还能concentrate,


  Task 4

  阅读:rewarding power

  听力:教授用朋友的例子解释reward power,一开始是party激励销售,貌似没钱还是什么的,后面在墙上放每月销售最多的人的照片,大家都恭喜他,所以激励员工卖了更多的纸。

  Task 5




  Task 6






  本文解析部分由啄木鸟教育老师苏州学校 杨晓娟老师原创,转载请注明作者及出处。

更多: 托福历年真题

