
啄木鸟教育 2018-09-10



  综合写作属于利弊反驳类,语料内容参考TPO 38综合作文。独立写作为科技教育结合的话题,难度系数低,语料内容参考TPO 10;TPO 11;TPO 12



  考题回忆:总论点讲座人反驳了阅读中中提到的在西海岸建high-speed trains 的三个好处








  3)不是在所有的方面,都环保,generate brand-new problems that might not be resolved.

  解题思路:先总括总论点提出听力和阅读之间的对立关系。再在body 段落首句分别阐述听力部分的主要观点,作为body 段落主题句,再用听力和阅读的细节进行对比支撑


  The lecturer revises the main idea mentioned in the reading that establishing railway lines in the western part of the United states can generate advantages. He argues that each of the benefits, if examined thoroughly, would be groundless, by citing the problems related to economy, efficiency and environment.

  Body 1

  To begin with, the professor argues that the idea of railway lines being cost-effective, as is illustrated in the reading passage, is groundless. According to the reading passage, building bullet trains could connect the western part closer together, which reduces expenditure on other traffic alternative, thus enhancing the use of spending on railway tracks. In opposition to this argument, the professor contends that charges for the construction could be as high as the states involved might borrow money, based on the idea that the construction materials, such as the raw material for the rail tracks and the assembling of the rocket trains, are all not cheap.

  Body 2

  On top of that, the second bonus, the relief of traffic pressure, does not please the lecturer either. The reading passage describes how the railway construction could enhance traffic efficiency by offering alternative to traffic. On the contrary, the professor states that instead of relieving the traffic efficiency, the construction of rail way routes may lead to congestion due to the inconvenience of traffic routes around the train station. This defies the efficiency attribute of building railway lines.


  Lastly, the professor rebuts the reading’s point that this practice can hardly promote environment, by stating that building railway routes for high speed trains could generate brand-new problems that might not be easily resolved, which defies the original purpose of preserving the environment. The professor points out that. Building railway routes could contribute to more employment of carbon burning to generate the material, suggesting that carbon emission could be as high as, if not higher than ,using the current traffic system, which indicates it as a less environmentally friendly way of transportation.


  All the information points to the fact that construction of high speed trains might not be as beneficial as it appears, but rather could bring detrimental effects to the economy, the efficiency and the environmental preservation.



  考题回忆:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  Professor should prohibit the use of devices that can connect to the internet in class.



  Traditionally, undergraduates have been using paper-based text-books, materials, and other attached utensils to facilitate the classes during the sessions, yet with electronic devices prevailing in people’s lives, the equipments with internet access have become increasingly pervasive, and accompanying college students nearly from now and then. This has triggered great controversy as to whether lecturers should prohibit the employment of these devices during the classes. My view is that forbidding these undergraduates from using the electronic devices with internet access is not a good idea and should be discouraged in the university, in spite of the disturbances that this might bring to the courses and the students.

  Body 1

  One argument against allowing the college students to tap the e-devices might involve the learning efficiency that the professor want to maintain for the undergraduates from forbidding the use of e-devices. This is because by prohibiting the use of the electronic devices, students would be removed the likely distractors of the courses, so that they are less likely to be distracted by the appealing headlines, discount information or gossips of personalities during the sessions of the lecture. It is such prohibition that allows for the students to have less access to less learning information, thus being able to be more involved in the discussion or group work. This situation, nevertheless, seldom occurs. The students in college and university are often adults, instead of children, who are capable of being self-controlled and disciplined, and this means that the electronic devices might not affect their concentration and devotion to the courses.

  Body 2

  A further reason for not using the lap tops, cell phones and e-book readers may be that this could jeopardize the students creativity. If students were forbidden in terms of using the internet access, then they might be encouraged to think out of the box and dedicate themselves to thinking of the questions proposed by the professor, triggering more innovative ideas and enhancing their renovation of ideas in the field they study. However, people with such argument are short-sighted. Just because of allowing them access to internet does not mean their creativity could be impeded. This is mainly due to the fact that database on the internet might function as fantastic ways of expanding their creativity. For example, in the medical school, it is having access to internet that allows students, when losing ideas in responding appropriately to the professors’ question about the therapies of a disease, as well as their benefits and drawbacks, to do research and figure out more solutions to the same diseases, thus generating potentials to new ideas and being open-minded. This of course enhances their skills of being innovative, especially in terms of the content and methods of thinking creatively.



  In conclusion, any thing that encourage the use of internet-based equipment could benefit the college students in terms of learning efficiency and creativity and not prohibiting them to have internet access during the lectures benefits individuals. I wish that professors would be open to the use of internet access and allow the students to make these benefits more achievable.



         以上解析部分由环球教育苏州学校 杨晓娟老师原创,转载请注明作者及出处。

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