
啄木鸟教育 2018-09-10


  Task 1

  内容回忆:Which of the following is most important for recruitment of new employees? 1. The behavior in the interview 2. Work experience 3. Level of education degree

  参考答案:I think among the three options given, the most important criteria should be level of education degree.

  For starts, those who have completed master’s or doctor’s degrees possess more in-depth knowledge and theories that can be applied into work. Take my cousin for example. She’s got a doctor’s degree in medical sciences and compared with her other colleagues, she managed to master the core skills needed in work and soon joined the development team and made great contributions to her company.

  Besides, applicants might get nervous during the interview and simply judging them on this seems unfair. What’s more, since every company offers training sessions for new employees, the amount of work experience shouldn’t be such a big matter in the selection process.

  Task 2

  内容回忆:Do you prefer to decorate your room with many pictures or simple things? Use details and examples to support your answer.

  参考答案:Well, personally I would decorate my room with simple things rather than lots of pictures.

  For starts, I would like the style of my room to be tasteful and restrained so I can feel more relaxed and it’ll be easier for me to concentrate. Simple decorations on the ceiling and walls can calm me down after a long day of work. Plus, they can also help me focus on schoolwork especially before important exams when I need more time to study on my own.

  Besides, too many pictures can be disturbing and hard to clean as well. I remember the first time when I visited one of my classmates’ rooms and I was literally shocked by the large number of pictures on her walls. They don’t match the style of her room at all and seemed to have pretty much dust on the frames, which I knew later was due to her lack of time to clean them up.

  Task 3

  阅读:让journalism student管理学校网站

  听力:女学生赞成,因为学校网站过时了,而且给学生work experience

  Task 4


  听力:Life moment for oceanic animals: because of the safety concerns and food resources

  Task 5


  解决方案:1. 坐train去市区

  2. 借女生的车

  Task 6


  要点:1. The more people have a hard time, the more they would exhibit compassion. People going through hardship are more likely to donate money to the poor.


  2. With the exactly the same situation, less compassion. People experienced of unemployment would not have compassion for those people without jobs.



  本文解析部分由啄木鸟教育老师沈阳学校 徐嘉翌老师原创,转载请注明作者及出处。

更多: 托福历年真题

