
互联网 2016-10-11



  Social scientists agree that everyone in ageneration is not identical. Nevertheless, many demographers assert that generalizations about the distinct characters of birth groups are helpful forsocial analysis. They aid in designing policy and education targeted toward the unique characteristics of specific cohorts. A case in point are those born between 1981 and 2000, dubbed “The Millennial Generation” because they are the first adults of the 21st century. According to the Pew Research Center, a think tank, the current group of 13- to 29-year-olds is more ethnically and racially diverse than any other similarly-aged cohort in our history. Many believe this explains their tendency to see the mselves as global citizens. Millennials have been described as “digital natives” because of their total comfort with technology. This is in stark contrast with previous generations, such as the Silent Generation, born before 1946; the Baby Boomers, born during the spike in births between 1946-1964 that followed World War II; or even Generation X, born between 1965-1980. Millennials inhabit a world where personal devices have always existed and are all around us, as ubiquitous as the air we breathe.Because two-thirds of Millennials voted for Barack Obama for president in 2008,some suggest that Millennials are more politically progressive than previous generations.While some authors call Millennials narcissistic, others believe rather that this generation is notably unselfish and eager to be of service to others. Many sociologists believe that understanding Millennials will make those who work with them more productive citizens.


  “Cohort”(line 8) as used in the passage most likely refers to any group

  (A) of 13 year-olds

  (B) made up of U.S. citizens

  (C) of civic-minded global citizens

  (D) that shares certain characteristics

  (E) of extremely diverse individuals;

  2. It can be logically inferred from the passage that the parents of the Baby Boomers

  (A) were born after 1946

  (B) belonged to Generation X

  (C) were called “Hie Boomers”

  (D) belonged to The Silent Generation

  (E) were more progressive than the Millennials

  3. It can be logically inferred from thepassage that the Baby Boomers

  (A) fought in World War II

  (B) were born before 1946

  (C) were younger than The Boomers

  (D) were more diverse than the Millennial

  (E) were less progressive than the Millennials

  4. Which of the following is true based on the passage?

  (A) The Pew Research Center studies voting habits.

  (B) Generalizations about generations may aid educators.

  (C) Members of Generation X have never seen a cell phone.

  (D) Generations usually receive nick names that reflect their natures.

  (E) Social scientists universally agree that it is useful to categorize generations.



  The Millennial Generation(1981-2000)

  The Silent Generation (before 1946)

  The Baby Boomers(1946-1964)

  Generation X(1965-1980)

  每个年代的人都有共有的特征,比如Millennial的人在政治方面比较比较进步,在2008年美国总统选举中有2/3的Millennial把选票投给了黑人总统奥巴马,而他们因为出生在一个电子产品爆棚的年代,对电子产品的适应能力和喜爱程度也高于之前的几代人。更好的理解每个年代人大致的性格和特点 能够更好的为社会分析,教育课程编排提供必要的纲领性的指向,让我们社会的发展变得更加有序和合理。





  Baby Boomers为二战大量人员伤亡后出生的孩子们,在中国抗日战争结束后,毛主席提出了光荣妈妈的概念,所以中国40/50这批人大多是那时出生的。

  Baby Boomers出生于(1946-1964),那他们的父母倒推20+年,应该是1946年前出生,所以属于Silent Generation。


  这是一题反推题,因为Millennial是所有Cohort当中最progressive的,那当然Baby Boomers和Millennial比起来还没那么的Progressive。








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