
互联网 2017-10-31






  (1) 和考试相关:考试分数;考试复习;安排考试;考试分数

  (2) 和课程相关:课程目的;课程类型;课程形式,课程作业

  (3) 和作业相关:作业类型;作业方法;交作业相关

  (4) 和论文相关:论文的分数


  . Discussion课堂讨论, presentation课堂展示, topic主题, lecture讲座/课程, good choice明智的选择, slide幻灯片, library图书馆, collection藏书,资料收集, check核实, librarian图书管理员

  . Report报告, office hour办公时间, submit提交, on disk磁盘提交, hard copy打印版, soft copy邮件发送, computer计算机, print,打印 computer lab机房

  . Project作业, ton of大量, cover涵盖, re-write重写, research data调查数据, information信息, input输入, presentation课堂展示, complete完全的

  . Term paper学期论文, grade分数, complicated复杂的, terrible mistake严重的错误, edited version修订版, submit提交, overtired过度疲劳, stressed压力大的, rushing against the clock忙碌, mark分数, draft草稿, print打印, final paper终稿, maintaining average保持平均分, application申请, drop放课, re-take重修, due截止日期, extention延期, discuss讨论, check back核查记录, re-reading重读, submission提交

  . Information信息, exam schedule考试时间表, term学期, date日期, book预定, department院系, invigilator监考人员, sign up注册, sheet单子, bulletin board公告板, faculty lounge, square方格, draft,草稿 dean系主任, review复习, draw up结论, manually手工的, consult咨询, register注册

  . Physiology 100物理100, sophomore大二学生, second year course大二课程, first year student新生, transfer转系转专业, begin my first lecture开始第一次课, introduce,介绍 complete完全的, approach方法途径, laws of physics and chemistry物理化学定律, process of life生命进程, vital force关键力量, philosophical approach哲学方法, scientific experimentation科学实验

  . Final exam,期末考试 midterm期中考试, multiple choice question多选题, essay question问答题, comprehensive exam综合测试, the subject,主题 review,复习 textbook教材, class note课堂笔记, the final will count for 50% of your grade期末考试占总成绩的50%, research project调查项目, run into problems遇到困难

  . School bulletin学校公告栏, required writing course必修写作课程, first year student大一新生, third year stuent大三学生, research paper调查报告, sign up注册, cover the entire process of writing a research paper涵盖论文写作的全过程, selecting topic选择性题目, final format最终格式, presentation课堂展示, hand in提交, assignment,作业 final grade最终分数

  . Class meeting班会, lecture讲座,课程, different concept不同的概念, hand in提交,issue发行, revision复习, grade分数

  . Research paper论文, due截止日期, proposed topics推荐的论文选题, make comment评论, the most frequent problem最常见的问题, broad广泛的, preliminary outline初步提纲, schedule计划表, available可利用的, appointment预约,约会, final outline最终提纲, no more than two pages long不得多于2页, thesis statement论文陈述, precise statement精确的陈述, conclusion总结

  . Workshop小型研讨会, intensive精读, techniques and skills技巧, personal attention个人参与度, register注册, advantage优点

  . Consecutive summer连续的暑假, community center社区活动中心, seminar研讨会, workshop小型研讨会, beginning students新生, advanced students高年级学生, last four weeks最后四周, credit is awarded学分奖励, information信息

  . Discuss讨论, schedule计划表, midterm期中考试, administer管理, attendance出勤, optional class选修课




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