
啄木鸟教育 2018-11-28

  Task 1







  Personally speaking, I think that having asophomore student as partner in university is the best way for first yearstudents to get to know campus life.

  First, this could be the most efficient wayto solve all the problem. To be specific, getting to know a campus involves inseveral aspects like: locations of lecture halls, library, and of students’center, infrastructures, as well as specific rules. If a freshman could as hisor her partner, all the problems could be solved right away.

  Moreover, have a partner is a long term help.Not all the problems emerge in the first 2months, so if they have a friend hereon campus who is more experienced in every aspects of campus life, things wouldbe easier not only in first year, but also in all four years.

  Task 2



  Personally speaking I prefer to have theinterview by phone calls.

  First because, it saves my time in this way.The place is far away from where I live, which means I may spend hours ontravelling to and back. Besides, I don’t have to worry about being late if Icould just have interview by a phone call.

  Moreover, I could better express myself onthe phone than talking to the interviewer face to face. So I believe that theycould get to know the real me through phone calls and ask whatever they want toknow. This would be as direct as in the office.

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